Ongoing Local SEO Services
Are you a local business looking to sell goods and/or services to your community? If so, can your business be found on Google, Bing, and Yahoo? Did you know that some of your best customers can be found right in your own backyard and within a certain mile radius surrounding your business? Let Morales Tech Marketing put your business on the map so that you can start building your local online presence. Our marketing campaigns will ensure that you reach all of your local visitors. A well-designed website is worthless if it has no visibility in search engines. You need to optimize your website to ensure that it will have an organic presence.

Yahoo, Bing, Google, maps, local listing, get found. Local SEO Marketing Agency Services

SMM or social media marketing, twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest

Social Media Marketing & Management
Did you know that there are hundreds of millions of active users that are constantly engaging in social media? You can bet that they are also using these networks to find a company just like yours. If your business is not reaching out to these unique customers, then you can almost be certain that you will lose business to the local competitor who is. Let our marketing experts Increase brand awareness and engagement through the proper social media channels for your industry.

Content Marketing & Optimization
Does your company brand carry authority on the web? Authoritative content is one of the best ways to build relevance and resourcefulness. Not only does your content need to carry valuable to your audience, but it must promote your brand in order to get the best results. Allow our team of writers develop some compelling content that will not only have your target audience engaged, but will also show search engine that you are a source of knowledge.



Link Building & Directory Submission
How popular do you think your website is? Let’s imagine the internet as a popularity contest where other website vouch for your business. The more authoritative and unique your website is, the more popular it will become. This can only be done with good quality links and directories. However, there are certain cites that will negatively affect your website if the search engines have already deemed them bad websites or spam websites. Morales Tech Marketing stays vigilant, ensuring that we are always up to date with each search engines unique requests.

Website Design & Analytic Analysis
Does your website have a lasting impression on your audience? It’s very important to spend some time ensuring that your website is well-branded, has a clean design, has an easy to use interface for your visitors, and leaves a memorable imprint on anyone who visits your site before starting your marketing campaign. You’ve heard the expression: “You only get one chance to make a first impression.” The beauty of all this is that you can also see how long people stayed and where they visit. That gives you a better idea on what they are looking for and where they are in the purchasing process. 

web design


Online Reputation Management
How much time, money, and energy have you invested in your business trying to make it the best customer experience possible, only to have it tarnished by a negative review? This is an all too common scenario for all businesses across the country. What people say about your company online can either make or break a company’s reputation. Even if you have the best SEO producer, content writer, and PPC campaign, the client will research you first online to only to be turned away due to those bad reviews. Let our marketing experts aid you in keeping your reputation in good standing and to help you manage bad reviews.

PPC Advertising & Management
Do you need to start gaining traffic now? One of the fastest ways to drive traffic to your website is through search engine marketing (SEM), also known as Pay-Per-Click. Our online marketing experts can help you start bidding on relevant phrases so that you can place your target adds in specific sections and times. This way, you make sure that your website attract the right type of visitor every single time.



Business Branding Strategies
Does your company have a branding strategy? Branding should be one of the most important things a company should do once they have established themselves in their respective industry. Branding ensures that your business has a competitive advantage and it offers a clear road-map that outlines what your company stands for. It allows you to expand your reach, build trust, but most of all that is how you get recognized by Google. Let our online marketing agents help you establish a good branding strategy that will make your company stand out amongst your competitors.

Photography & Video Production
You know your industry better than anyone else, but how will you prove that to your target audience? You’ve heard the old adage: “a picture paints a thousand words.” As online marketers, we need to help your audience understand what you do and there is no better way to do so than with a picture. If you are unable to take your own images, let us do it for you. We can take our own pictures and produce a stunning short film if you so choose for an additional fee. Give us a call to find out more.



Research & Creative Innovations
Do you know who your local competitors are? Do you have any idea on what marketing strategies they are using online? Before any online marketing strategies are implemented, it is important to answer these questions. Once you know who your competition is, Morales Tech Marketing does everything to make sure you stand out from the rest. Most online marketing companies use a cookie-cutter approach, but we think your business needs to be different. Give our online specialist a call. We are always up for a challenge.

Schedule a Visit
Call or email one of our online marketing agents for more information. We look forward to working with you.