Your Business and Instagram

May 16, 2017 JonathanM

Your Business and Instagram

With over 500 million active monthly users, Instagram has taken the social media arena by storm. Over 100 million new users signed up within the last 9 months alone. Such a huge audience makes Instagram the perfect platform for any brand or business to spread the word about themselves. In fact, it’s estimated that by the end of 2017, 70.7% of US companies will be utilizing Instagram as a marketing channel.

Being that Instagram is first and foremost a photo-sharing app, it’s no surprise that some of the top brand accounts are focused on Beauty, Fashion, Food, or Traveling. However, that shouldn’t stop you from using Instagram for your marketing efforts. A Santa Ana based company known as Suavecito currently has well over 186,000 followers and their account has been growing steadily every year. The pomade company has been able to connect and engage with their audience through Instagram by widening their focus on the platform from more than just their hair products (more on that later).

Still not convinced you need Instagram for your business? Let’s start off with the cost.


So How Much Is Instagram Going to Cost Me?

Creating an account is free and takes no more than a few minutes to set up. Just last year, Instagram unveiled Business Profiles for accounts that wanted to be recognized as a business on the platform at no extra cost. One of the key features from the business profile is that the contact button that appears on the account profile. This contact button allows your customers to call or message you directly from your Instagram profile. The business profile also allows you to look into the demographics of your audience and keeps track of which posts do better for your page. Another feature is the ability to keep track of any ads you might have place on this platform.

If you prefer not to have your customers contact you through Instagram, you can choose not partake in the business profile and keep your account as is. If you would still like to look into the analytics of your page without adding the business profile, there are a number of services that allow you to do just that. Iconosquare is an example of one. Their prices range depending on a few different factors. The right package for your business really depends on the number of followers you have and the kind of flexibility you want.


Well I already have Facebook/Twitter/etc.

That’s great! If you already have a Facebook page then maintaining your Instagram account will be easier for you. You can link your Instagram account to your Facebook account which allows to respond to any comments left on your Instagram through your Facebook. If Instagram’s Business Profile or services like Iconosquare didn’t appeal to you, then linking both accounts together is the answer you’re looking for. Linking them together also allows you to create ads for Instagram using Facebook’s Power Editor and Ads Manager.

Aside from making management of your Instagram easier, linking your accounts also helps spread the reach of your posts. You can also re-post your photos from Instagram onto your Facebook page where they can be liked and shared by your followers. Allowing your audience to see you on more than one platform makes you more recognizable and helps them remember your brand.


So who’s on Instagram?

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2016, Instagram was the 2nd most used social media platform among adults (Facebook took the no. 1 spot). 32% of adults 18 or older are on the platform, a 5% increase from last year. However, the vast majority of users on Instagram are under the age of 30. In fact, 59% of adults between the ages of 18 and 29 use Instagram according to the 2016 survey. The survey also found that more women were on Instagram versus men at 38% vs. 36%.


Can I just post pictures of my product?

You can but you may want to add some variety to what you post or get creative with the way your present your product. Let’s go back to Suavecito. If you scroll through their Instagram you’ll see some posts of their hair products but also photos of vintage cars shows, tattoo artists and pop culture references. They have recognized their core audience and created a lifestyle around their brand that their repeat customers can relate to. They also often repost photos of their customers using their product which creates a sense of community among their audience.

If you are unsure about posting photos of your customers or things that aren’t necessarily relevant to your brand, you can get creative with how you show your product. Califia Farms include their products in almost every one of their post but the way they present their drinks changes. They presented their almond milk on a kitchen table next to a bowl of cereal, being poured into a glass of iced of coffee and in a grocery cart sticking out amongst the other food. They also mention their drinks in directly by showcasing the different ingredients they use in beautiful nature shots of bright red cranberries or an almond tree grove.

Have fun with creating content for your Instagram and think about your core audience. What would they like to see and how can you showcase your brand in a new and exciting way.


How often should I post?

That all depends on you and your brand. If we take a look at larger and recognized brands you’ll see them posting 5 times a week. Beats by Dre, for example, posted nearly 12 times a week. There really isn’t a magic number of posts that you should adhere too. It’s best to be consistent with the amount you post. If you start off posting 15 times a week, your followers will grow accustomed to it and will come to expect that frequency of posts. It’s best to decide early on how often you would like to post and stick to that amount whether it’s 5 times a week or 20.

Take into consideration how long it takes you to create or think of content to post. If you’re planning on staging photoshoots and editing the pictures then maybe posting 20 times a week isn’t for you. On the other hand if the product you’re showcasing don’t require the fanfare or you plan on posting content outside of what you shoot yourself then 15 or 20 posts a week is plausible. Also consider your target audience and your industry as they will guide you to the correct number of posts.

So whether you’re venturing into social media with your company to the first time or your business already has a slew of social media accounts, placing your brand on Instagram can only benefit you. It’s a great platform to engage with your audience and can help widen your reach to new customers. If you’re still unsure or don’t know where to start, feel free to one of our agents today and we’ll help you get started.